Den Gamle Købmandsgaard in Bogense - home furnishings with quality furniture
Get a unique furniture experience in the old merchant's house on Østergade in Bogense, where you can find good quality furniture from many different designers in Funen's most beautiful furniture house.
Funen's most beautiful furniture shop
See the beautiful timbered building with sloping walls and a red brick roof. Once upon a time, this was a merchant house. Today, it is home to a large modern furniture shop of 3000 m² with furniture, blankets and curtains.
In the cobbled courtyard, you can walk into Funen's most beautiful furniture shop. Under exposed beams on two floors, you will find great inspiration for your home. Welcome to an experience in the Old Grocery store and Merchant's House.
Here you'll find a large selection of different designers in several different price ranges with furniture from i.a. Hjørring Polster Møbler, Haslev Møbelsnedkeri, Klim-Reolen, Kidi, Skovby, O.P. Møbler, Casø Furniture, Hjort Knudsen, Top-Line, Brunstad and many others.
Opening hours
Monday - Friday 09.30 - 16.30
Saturday 10.00 - 14.00
Sunday Closed*
*1st Sunday of the month 10.00 - 14.00
Extended opening hours by appointment